Thursday, July 12, 2018

How to clear your variables in Powershell.

After running a Powershell command with a variable, the contents in that variable will stay in memory unless its cleared or overwritten to.  The command below is how to clear it from memory.  This helps when you're writing and testing a script to make sure you get accurate results and not results from stale memory in variables.

Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

Power on a batch of VM's using Powershell

If you have a list of vm's and you need it to be powered on, the script below will help you do that.  To give the storage system air to breathe and not cause a boot storm, it powers on a VM every 2 seconds and waits 5 minutes after ever 50 VM is powered on.

Import-Module vmware.vimautomation.core
Remove-Variable * -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$vcenter = "hostname of vCenter or ESX host"
connect-viserver $vcenter
$count = 0
$csvfile = import-csv "Path to csv file"
foreach($vm in $csvfile)
    $vm_info = Get-VM -Name $vm.VMName   #VMName refers to column header in the  csv file.
    if ($vm_info.PowerState -eq "PoweredOff")
        Write-Host "Powering on "$vm_info.Name
        $poweron = Get-VM $vm_info.Name | Start-VM -Confirm:$false
        Sleep 2             #power on a vm every 2 seconds.
        if($count -eq 50)   #powers on 50 vm's then waits for 5 minutes for  storage to breathe.
            Sleep 300
            $count = 0

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Find a file in linux

To find a file in linux called "myfile", use the command below.
    [root@testbox /]# find / -name "myfile"

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Power on a batch of virtual machines in a csv file using PowerCLI.

Use the following PowerCLI script to power on a list of Virtual Machines from a CSV file.

import-module vmware.vimautomation.core

$vcenter = <my vCenter server>
connect-viserver $vcenter
$allvms = import-csv RVTools_tabvInfo.csv

foreach ($strNewVMName in $allvms)
        #gets all the VM's properties.  We're interested in the PowerState  Property.
        $vmdata = Get-view -ViewType VirtualMachine -Filter @{"name" =  $strNewVMName.vm}  #vm is the column header name in the csv on the first line.
        #if the PowerState is not PoweredOn, then power it on.
        if ($vmdata.Runtime.PowerState -ne "PoweredOn")
            Write-Host "Powering on "$strNewVMName.vm
            Start-VM -VM $strNewVMName.vm
            Sleep 2

Monday, July 2, 2018

Speed test on Google GCP instance.

Spun up a GCP instance today and ran a speed test.   No speed issues there.