Sunday, March 29, 2020

COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic

Trader Joe's
Lining up to get into Trader Joe's
As we enter week 3 of a statewide lockdown of California to control the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus, infections and death numbers continue to rise.  We're all asked to stay indoors unless for the essentials like grocery shopping or a trip to the bank or gas station.  All stores are closed and restaurants are open for take out or drive through only.  If we do have to go out, we're asked to keep a 'social distance' of 6ft apart of one another.  I don't ever remember a time that is quite like this being in the U.S. for over 35 years.  People are asked to work from home, and others are out without a job if their jobs require personal interaction with people.  I feel bad for them.   Luckily, in my line of work, telecommuting is an easy option.  Others are not so lucky.  As the economy plummets and a 900 point drop in the stock market in a day is starting to be a common sight these last couple of weeks, one has to wonder when is this all going to get back to normal. Tokyo 2020 summer olympics have been postponed, all sporting events have their season postponed, grocery stores have isles of empty shelves where they once stocked sanitizers, masks and toilet papers as the fear of the virus become immense as the news coverage on the number of cases infected and deaths continue to rise daily.  This whole ordeal started in early January in China and it's since spread worldwide to other countries.  Most flights shutdown for the foreseable future and definitely no incoming international flights to the U.S., these are drastic measures taken to prevent the spread.  We're not a the peak of this pandemic as declared by the WHO, and I am guessing this will last through spring and into the summer months.  Has China learned anything from this?  Probably not.  Maybe it has to happen a few more times for them to enforce laws and regulations?   Am I pissed off at China?  Of course.  It's unprecedented.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Pearl Jam's new album: Gigaton!

Pearl Jam will release their 11th studio album titled Gigaton on March 27, 2020.  Gigaton is a word for a unit of measurement.  It can mean a different variety of measurement but in Pearl Jam's case, with their political and environmental stance, it is likely that it means the measurement for the amount of Earth's ice that's melting due to climate change.


gig-uh-tuhn, jig- ]

a measurement of weight or capacity.  equivalent to one billion tonsAbbreviation: GT

It's been 7 years since Pearl Jam released Lightning Bolt and there were high anticipation from me and other fans on when the new album is going to come out and how its going to sound.   Pearl Jam fans knew there was an album in the works so we were all anxiously waiting.  In February, the band started dropping hints on Twitter on the name of the new album.  It wasn't long until fans learned of the new album is going to be named Gigaton.  Another twist to the band is the sound of the first single, Dance of the Clairvoyants.  There's some cool electronic sounds to it.  If you only recognize Pearl Jam by their early stuff, there's no way you'd think that this is a Pearl Jam song.   I think it's the bands intent not to be categorized in having a distinctive sound by having an ever changing feel of each album.  I went ahead and pre ordered both the vinyl and the cd version to add to my Pearl Jam collection.  Take my money now!  Can't wait to listen to the rest of the album.

Pearl Jam - Gigaton
Track listing:
     1.  Who Ever Said
     2.  Superblood Wolfmoon
     3.  Dance of the Clairvoyants
     4.  Quick Escape
     5.  Alright
     6.  Seven O’Clock
     7.  Never Destination
     8.  Take The Long Way
     9.  Buckle Up
    10. Come Then Goes
    11. Retrograde
    12. River Cross

Quick thoughts on the first two singles:

Dance of the Clairvoyants: 
The first single of the album.  This is a great choice as the first single.  It begins with some awesome catchy bass and electronic sound followed by the chorus, "Expecting perfection leaves a lot to ignore. When the past is the present and the future's no more. When every tomorrow is the same as before."  Sweet!  Stone Gossard plays lead bass on this and Mike McCready's guitar sounds is amazing.  Can't stop listening to it.

Superblood Wolfmoon:
The second single of the album.  This is a catchy, fast paced rock song.  I liked this song a lot.  One the first listen, I was hooked whereas the first single, Dance of the Clarivoyants, needed me a few listens for me to get its beauty.